I recently took a trip to China. I travelled down the Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan borders, with the intention of collecting enough to compile a sound package and add to my library. That I did, and trust me if ever you get the chance- go there. It is an amazing part of the world, one full of colour and with a wealth of unusual sounds. The people are fantastic and the landscape so varied that it was a humbling experience for me and my Sennheisers. I came home with a reaffirmation of what motivates me, a remembrance of why I fell in love with sound, and a new resolution to make time to get out of the studio and record.
Trying to carry that feeling back home, I've vowed to get out at least once a month in the field. With minimal equipment, I want to get to places and record purely because they interest me; not just because I've been commissioned or need it for a film. I've since sought out some great things to record locally, and I really recommend making the effort to get away from the screen that so many of us audio professionals and enthusiasts are often glued to. There's no greater contrast than being in front of a computer, and sitting in a field with your mic. Get out there!
Here's a few sights and sounds that inspired me...
A family happy to pose in Tashkurgan
Market seller
Recording the racket coming from a school window
Nuff said...
Thanks China! You were amazing!
What's the best field recording trip you've done? Are there any really inspiring places you've found? Would love to hear about them...
PS- if you haven't already, check these out.
Sound Around You