Sound Effects End User License Agreement
Sound effects and recordings offered by Sound Ark (property of Angel Perez Grandi) are offered under the following license. By accepting these sound effects and recordings you agree to the following terms and conditions:
You (the licensee) may
1.1 duplicate, modify, re-record and release the sound effects represented in this agreement; for your production or project in any medium you choose
1.2 synchronise the sounds with images for your production or project
1.3 perform the sounds in public as part of your production or project.
The licensee may not
2.1 claim ownership or authorship of the sound effects and recordings represented in this agreement
2.2 distribute, sell or lend the sound effects and recordings referred to in this agreement to any third party, unless as part of your production or project as described in 1.1
2.3 transfer this licence to any other party.
All title, and copies thereof, of the sound effects and recordings are owned by Sound Ark (Angel Perez Grandi).
Thanks and all the best with your project!